Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So who has been to Europe?....

Kind of a random topic offhand, but it did have a lot of influence over my current life crisis.

I was lucky enough to take four trips to Europe over my college career. Some during the summers for fun, and others were school and credit related. I spent two weeks in Paris my first go around... and while scary as hell, it definitely unleashed something in me I hadn't seen coming.... the dreaded travel bug. (Now I am very well aware how very blessed I have been, and continue to be. I feel like I will be telling these stories with a somewhat sad undertone, but don't take it too seriously. I am truly grateful to have these problems to complain about.)

I enjoyed every second I spent in Europe. I visited France, England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, and Germany. It became almost a drug to me. I found that I wasn't the kind of person who went on a vacation and then went home feeling relaxed and grateful for all I had seen. I literally wanted to pack up my life and move to where I had been. Just the realization that there was so much out there I had not seen and done... It killed me to leave it and come back to my small part of the world. I actually kind of hate that about myself. I often wish to be more simple minded. Just enjoy the things I have been given and carry on. 

The older I have gotten the more extreme I have become with my little travel disease. My little random trips have, twice now, turned into full blown moves. (I'm sure i'll talk about my moves later). Both resulting in me ending up right back here in Sweet Home Louisiana.  I guess like the old saying says.... "the more you know, the less you understand". That's exactly how I feel about seeing the world. And I can't get enough of it. 

Does anyone else out there have a hard time staying put?

PS- The picture above was taken of me in the Santa Maria Novella church in Florence, Italy by my ex-boyfriend. He was escorted out afterward because of the flash. Love that picture.


  1. Your ex-boyfriend took that picture?! It's amazing! I totally thought you stole it off of the internet! Haha

  2. I kind of have the exact opposite problem. I need to be moving to keep the sense of excitement, but I easily get settled in and complacent. Maybe we should try running into each other really hard and see if we can mix our personalities to be a bit more balanced lol.

  3. I think I am on the other side looking back.
    I had the travel bug (only in the good ol USA though) until my second child arrived. Visited most all of the 50 states. Responsibilities caught up to me. Not to indicate that negatively at all; I love being around my family every day.
    Look forward to reading where your journey takes you...
